
Showing posts from August, 2020

How gratitude could be the greatest gift to your marriage or Relationship

  How gratitude could be the greatest gift to your marriage AUTHOR:  danstel    PUBLISHED DATE:  August 26,2020  Whether your marriage needs an overhaul or you just want to give it some preventative maintenance, the answer for both may be the same: show your partner some real gratitude. The power of  gratitude  in your marriage A key ingredient to improving couples’ marriages might just be gratitude, according to new University of Georgia research. “We found that feeling appreciated and believing that your spouse values you directly influences how you feel about your marriage, how committed you are to it, and your belief that it will last,” said study co-author Ted Futris, an associate professor in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. “It goes to show the power of ‘thank you,’” said the study’s lead author Allen Barton, a former doctoral student in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences and current postdoctoral research asso...

How we Used to love VS How we love Now

How We Used To Love VS How We Love Now AUTHOR:  Danstel    PUBLISHED DATE:  August 28,2020  I often like to dismiss the idea that this generation is doomed when it comes to love, because the times have changed, we have options now, people are disposable, and we are more independent—or so we like to believe. But sometimes I can’t help but think maybe we are. I wonder how the older generation made it look so easy, and how most of their relationships lasted, and are still going strong, while we can’t even get through the first few stages of dating someone without a whirlwind of questions, confusion, doubt, and mixed signals. It’s becoming exhausting to find someone, and even more exhausting to love them. What was so different back then? Where did we go wrong? How did we lose the essence of love and romance along the way? How We Used To Love You saw someone you may like, you thought there might be something there, you took a chance, you tried to get to know that per...

Romantic love that can turn you on.. (Check out)

  Romantic Love In a Relationship AUTHOR:  danstel    PUBLISHED DATE:  AugusT 24,2020  Romantic love in a relationship is easy to identify.  It’s when a man and a woman meet and find themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually attracted to each other.  There is a “chemistry” there that cannot be explained.  The two just “click.”  In such a relationship, you find yourself wanting to spend more time with her.  You think of ways to impress her to get her to like you more.  You spend more time on your appearance to look good for her.  You thoroughly clean your home and car for her.  You may give her flowers, candy, and other small gifts, along with cards that express your love for her.  You plan elaborate dates with her.  You may even write her love letters.  Here is where you’re probably your most romantic.  These behaviors are your way of communicating how much she means to her.  She is s...

Why the tired to have Sex(check this out)

  5 REASONS WHY YOU ARE TOO TIRED TO HAVE S*X AUTHOR:   D anstel   PUBLISHED DATE:  August 24,2020  1. HYPERSOMNIA : According to researchers at Emory University, one in 800 hundred men have somnogen in their cerebrospinal fluid. Somnogen is a substance which acts like a sleeping pill and it results to men sleeping too much, a condition known as hypersomnia. 2. DEPRESSION: Being sleepy though not necessarily connected with depression, comes when men are depressed. When you are depressed, it makes getting out of the bed in the morning a little bit tougher and this could lead to more sleep. 3. HYPOTHYROIDISM : This occurs when your thyroid, a gland that produces hormones to control sleepiness and hunger, is underactive. If you get plenty of sleep but still feel sluggish, it could just be hypothyroidism. 4. YOUR ALARM CLOCK: This might surprise you but your alarm clock could be making you to be too tired for sex. The stage of sleep you wake up in the...

Somethings to Talk about Before you Get Engaged

  Things to Discuss Before Getting Engaged AUTHOR:  DanstEL    PUBLISHED DATE:  August 24,2020  For many of us, being engaged means putting most (if not all) of our attention on wedding planning. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the fairytale aspect of wedding planning, making it easy to forget that besides planning a party, you are merging your life with your partner. As a San Francisco based psychotherapist, I specialize in supporting individuals and couples in manifesting the life they envision. Clients often wonder what the magic formula is for a successful relationship and more times then not my answer is communication and your relationship with yourself. Whether single or coupled, consider these important conversations to create a solid foundation with your significant other. 1. The Money Talk Many of us find it hard to discuss finances. It can bring up feelings of shame, embarrassment, and comparative judgment. When talking about finances with your ...

Things to do to get your Ex-Back

  Checkout Top & Surest Tips On How To Get Your Ex Back AUTHOR:  danstel    PUBLISHED DATE:  August 24,2020    If you want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back, let us give you some tips that might help you get your relationship back in order. But let us tell you right away, it will not be as easy as you expect, so if you really want to get back together with her, you need to be prepared to make changes. If you are ready, then let’s get to it. ‘I need my ex back’. How many of us have thought about it? While not every relationship ends with either party wanting to get back together, more often than not, you might feel like you have lost something important and you cannot leave without it. For that reason, we have prepared some important tips on what to do (and not to do) if you want to know how to get your girlfriend back. So check them out, give them a try, and hopefully things will work out your way. THINGS NOT TO DO TO GET YOUR EX BACK Let’...