How to stop bad sex from ruining your happy relationship
Lifestyle Relationships Weddings How to stop bad sex from ruining your happy relationship. The list of things that can affect your relationship negatively reads like a long script. It’s almost endless, ranging from little, and inconsequential things like leaving the toilet lid down or up. Big issues like disrespect, lack of communication also make up the list. And then there is sex. Better put, a lack of it or a poor quality of it. And here is why that could be a problem. Sex in a relationship is felt more when it’s inadequate than when it’s being done right. When all is going well in the relationship and sex is lit and all that, it contributes to the happiness between partners, but usually not in a grand way. It’s just there as one of the things you love about the relationship. Take out the sex however, and it leaves gaping hole and a source of concern for one or both partners. “There is an oft-repeated saying in the realm of sex therapy that when sex is satisfactory it is...