Eight beautiful things Women Don't Realize About men

Eight (8) Awesome Things Women Don’t Realize About Men


We always hear “all men are the same”, but we hate to hear that “all women are the same”. There are certain characteristics men do have in common, like wise women also, but that doesn’t mean we all are the same. we analyse things differently from our emotions and how we grew up. There a lot of things women don’t realize about mean and tend to bling their eyes to them because of what the society have classified them under. Here are amazing similar secrets guys possess that women fail to notice.

If a guy likes you, he will tell you. This isn’t the same as a lady. A lady might tell you if she likes you, or most times she just might not. we love being attracted and enjoy attention, so we may not be direct about it. But when a guy likes you, you would know. Not only would he tell you, but he will show you. Guys are usually honest and straight forward with their feelings. If they want to play with you, you would know. If he sincerely likes you, You will definitely know. So don’t hesitate to ask a guy if he likes you when you wanna and he will be true to you.

  • They are powerless while dating: This, many women do not know. A man is under your spell when he likes you, when he is dating you too. You can influence his thinking and his actions. Be careful to let it be a positive change and everything will be just fine.
  • The third year rule: Ladies, bring your eyes closer her because this is the most important for you. This is again for those who live-in with their boyfriends. If your man lives with you for more than 3 years and haven’t brought up the term marriage, don’t expect it any other time, because once a man is dating you, he has the future in his mind and if after three years you’re not part of the future, then i’m not sure of when you will be, and i guess you’ve not been influencing his thoughts.
  • They are fixers. I’m not saying you should use this opportunity to use them just anyhow. That won’t be fair now, would it? As ladies are very good listeners, men are very good fixers. they would like to know your problem and look for a solution to make you happy. Don’t hide that which is disturbing you, bring it out to them and they will.
  • Playing games won’t work. i am going to make this simple. Playing games to test a guy and to get close to him will not just work.
  • They love all of you. Now, i’m not talking about other girls. In this context, i mean they love your fat, your face without makeup, your dry jokes, yourself entirely. You don’t need to go a hundred mile to impress them, once they like you, they like the whole you. Most times, they wonder why you’re so bothered about how you look on a date or how you want to rest your hair, this doesn’t really matter to them.
  • Men cry. Like it or not, they do. They do not like to show it because of how the world have carried them to be all strong and all. they do cry in their corners and alone time when they are hurt, they are our little grown up babies.
  • funny but true, they like girly things. They could play with your stuff, sniff them, when you’re not looking.


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