Be The Change(relationship)



Danstel September 22,2020

Hi peeps. Great weekend huh?

I think early enough in these series we need to establish the fact that the world would be a better place if we all decide to contribute our own little quota.

It is commonplace to hear people say because the other person did not do something, they are not willing and ready to do what they are supposed to do.

It is not an ideal world; and never would be.

It is only in an ideal world that things happen the way they ought to. Someone steps on you and immediately knows he’s meant to say sorry. Someone hurts you and apologises instantly. Friends know they are not to betray each other etc

As long as the sun rises on the earth, human beings will continue to be mere mortals – imperfect. The earlier we make room for the imperfections of others, the better we secure our hearts from undue pain.

This in essence doesn’t mean ‘man’ can’t aspire to perfection or attempt to change the world around him. People have done it in times past and are yet doing it again.

To change our world, we need to stop the ‘talking’ and start the ‘doing’. Let’s make up our minds to be the change agents in our relationships.

You really do not have the power to change the other person, neither can you determine what others will do to you but guess what? You have tremendous power to determine how to react.

Let’s use this power wisely, let’s make up our minds to do all that rests within our ability to make our relationships work, irrespective of the other person’s resolution. 

Let’s stop investing time researching what the other person is supposed to be doing and concentrate on our own parts.

There is a lot we can do to better in our relationships and by extension our world. it might be painful and sometimes it feels as though we are giving up our ‘rights’ but trust me the result is worth the pain.


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