Does Money means Happiness in a Relationship



Danstel September 21,2020

Riches do not determine happiness in relationships. A lot of people ladies/guys alike are currently shopping for financiers and not husbands/wives.

A popular song lyric says ”money can buy diamond rings but can’t buy love”. Singles, do not base your decision to marry a person solely on the size of his/her pocket. Do not be overly particular about people’s social status.

Do not settle for an abusive person because he/she is rich. Do not succumb to pressure to marry a person just for the weight of his account. There are lots of miserable money-bags who will abuse you knowing that you are also only interested in them because of their money, after all you have been purchased like a commodity. Money in itself lacks what it takes to give you happiness. Money or the pleasure, treasure and comfort it brings only provides short-lived happiness.

On the flip side, do not also go into the other extreme of shopping for poor partners. Poor people are not necessarily better spouses. Do a critical analysis of a person’s true worth, after you have stripped them of their possessions.

Basic comfort and financial security should be part of the ingredients to consider in your eventual decision of who to marry, even if the person has only prospects for now, ensure your basic comfort and necessities can be jointly met but ensure your decision is not influenced by money alone.

Ascertain that even if there is no money, there are potentials and skills to work with. Be rest assured that you can attract riches, if you are skilled and possess the right attitude.


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