Trait A Woman Love To See In A Man They Want To Have A Future With


Traits  A Women Love To See In A Man They Want To Have A Future With


Men are visual creatures and this perhaps inform the reason why most want the light on. Science has proved it and, in the same vein, supported the claim that women are simply complex and determining the traits that attracts them is as complex as they are.

However, what women want is actually fairly forthright. For a lot of women, physicality is not everything. Women want a man brimming with brains and emotional depth to a certain extent.

While you might not always feel like the total package, or even know what that entails, here are a number of personality traits women often seek in serious partners.

Intelligence goes beyond the books and business acumen. A man who is knowledgeable at his craft, be it selling commercial real estate or mixing cocktails, will be seen as $exy.

Women are captivated by challenge, and a man that has the will to challenge himself to any level offers them an opportunity to learn something and motivation to challenge themselves.

Wit and humour are traits that you can never go wrong with. A man who can laugh at poorly executed jokes and himself is someone with whom women want to hang. An affable personality in the room eases vibes and makes them feel comfortable being ourselves.

Moral Integrity
Disagreements will inevitably come up but a man who can keep an open mind, respect disparities and value constructive debate has the level of maturity that women seek. Knowing right from wrong but also understanding this his right has the potential to be someone else’s wrong is one trait you can’t go wrong with.

Emotional Depth
A lot of women are attracted to men that can have a honest conversation that goes beyond the surface. Women love men who can open up; as doing so builds a level of trust that becomes a two-way street.

With social media and technology short-circuiting our attention span and creating incessant distractions, women enjoy a man with a personality traits that shows he is consciously connected to the present.

Women look for attentive listeners and communicative partners who express themselves in ways beyond words. Remembering seemingly insignificant things the women in your life have told you, surprises them. Lending a genuine ear tells them you’re in it to win it.

Having confidence and direction in making decisions is enticing. Women are more likely to go out with the man who says, “Meet me at the mall at 8,” than the guy who asks, “Well, where should we go?”

Women want to spend time with you; it doesn’t matter where. But, of course, we do want and should have input. Rule of thumb: If you ask a woman out, be direct. They will probably say no if they want. The back-and-forth is just exasperating.

Even if you don’t have children, or don’t plan to, women will gravitate towards you if you are family-oriented and prove to be a reliable role model for your nephew, the neighbour’s kid down the street, your brother or the new guy at work.

A dependable man is well balanced; he knows how to manage and prioritize work, friends, family and a relationship wisely.

cexual Mastery
When it comes to the bedroom, most importantly just know: It’s not necessarily finished because you finished. Educate yourself.


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