5 natural ways to have a full Hair


5 Natural ways to grow a healthy hair

On the average, everyone grows about half an inch of hair every month. Although genetic factors can contribute to individual difference.that as it may, it is important to state here that there is no proven scientific formula to accelerate or stimulate hair growth. As a matter of fact, what is often seen on Youtube telling viewers that they can make their hair longer by 3-4 inches in a week are misleading.

However, in other to increase the growth rate of your hair and improve the thickness and the healthiness of your locks, it advisable that you follow the tips below.

Trim the locks off to get rid of split ends as your hair increases in length. You can also make use of hair masks because it is a great way to keep your hair looking wonderful.

Massage this mixture into your hair roots and then, extend to the lengths; leave for about thirty minutes.

For better results, you can put a shower cap on your head and cover it up with a towel. After the thirty minutes, wash and condition your hair, as usual.

This should set you off on the desired path if you do it regularly.

But you can try out coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and honey hair mask if you don’t find an egg mask too appealing,

This wonderful natural hair treatment will nourish and rejuvenate your hair, making it shinier and glossier, while also boosting hair growth.

How well do you know the contribution of food to your hair growth? If you really want to have thick and beautiful locks, then watch what you eat.

Protein provides building material for quicker hair growth, leaving it looking healthier and stronger, for protein is the very substance hair is made from.

Ensure to include eggs, nuts, fish, chicken, red meats, etc., into your diet. Eat healthily and your hair will not let you down.

Brush your hair every morning and evening to stimulate circulation in your scalp. Calm massaging of the head would be also helpful.

Healthy blood circulation is essential for hair follicles to work efficiently and renew healthy hair. Do not forcefully brush your hair when it's wet because it can damage your locks and cause breakage.

Instead, gently brush through your hair with a wide tooth comb or use a special detangling brush for a smooth and pain-free detangling.

The effects of castor oil on your hair is nothing short of overwhelming. It's all simple: just massage your hair with castor oil before you go to bed and leave it on overnight; then, the next morning, wash and condition your hair as usual.

Apple cider vinegar is a great way to remove the dirt, grime, and pollution that can accumulate on your hair, as well as strip away the residue that is left by hair products.

In fact, apple cider vinegar will not only boost your hair growth but be a natural detangling and shine improving treatment, it will also change the appearance of your locks tremendously.

For the hair becomes softer, shinier, stronger and of course- healthier.

Add two tablespoons of vinegar into a litter of water and rinse your hair with this homemade healthy conditioner; use this treatment as the final step of your shampooing/conditioning routine.


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